Monday, April 27, 2009
falling slowly
Bon Appetit: Everything around me suddenly seems to reminds me of home. Never felt more homesick than this. and i've been back here for only a week.
Kris Allen

i'm in love.
NOT with him, although admittingly he is pretty good looking.
besides, he's 23 and halfway around the world.
plus the fact that he's married would probably be the biggest factor.i'm so in love with his cover version of 'Falling Slowly.'
watched his performance on American Idol last last week.
it melted me into a puddle of mushy mashed potato.
everything about it was perfect: the song, the lyrics, his voice, his looks.
my favourite performance so far for this season :)
*** I don't know you But I want you All the more for that Words fall through me And always fool me And I can't react And games that never amount To more than they're meant Will play themselves out Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice You'll make it now Falling slowly, eyes that know me And I can't go back Moods that take me and erase me And I'm painted black You have suffered enough And warred with yourself It's time that you won Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice You've made it now Falling slowly sing your melody I'll sing along
10:26 AM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Bark, I'm an Alligator.
Bon Appetit: The past two weeks have been a blast. LOVED it. sadly, once again, it's time to head back to kl and back to school. time really flies when you're having fun :'(
After the heavy rain this evening...
there wasn't only one rainbow, there were TWO.
the second one was very faint but look harder and you'lll be able to see it.
the darker one was absolutely beautiful.
it stretched over the entire sky from one end to the next.
'If you want to see the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.'
the colours were so beautiful.
it's not everyday you get to witness such an amazing creation.
someone once told me the rainbow represents God's promise to Noah.
and God always keeps his promises :)
Taste the Rainbow.
hmm i wonder what's at the end of this rainbow ;)
after about 10 minutes, the rainbows slowly started to fade.
and the sky turned a mesmerising array of orange, blue and gold.
Beautiful, isn't it?
10:15 PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
With humans, its an abortion; with chickens, its an omelette.
Bon Appetite: FECK. I JUST FECKING HATE FIRST AND SECOND GEAR. FECK FECK FECK. if it were edible, i would've eaten it a long time ago. i would eat my instructor too. and the stupid perodua/kancil. ROAR.
Went to C121 for lunch today.
my mum ordered curry rice while dad ordered tanghun soup.
having developed a sudden craving for dim sum since 2 weeks ago, i decided to order dim sum.
the curry rice wasn't bad. (note: japanese curry is still THE best tasting curry ever, i swear. if you've never tasted it before, RUN to your nearest japanese restaurant and order it, NOW! i DEMAND YOU.)
the tanghun soup was pretty alright too.
BUT THE DIM SUM. holy cow.
i ordered a few different types and when the siew mai came, i excitedly popped one into my mouth, anticipating its rich aromatic flavour and....
erm...*@^#%!&$ please.
i was damn hungry summore and was really looking forward for an awesome lunch to make up for a damn crappy morning.
And by crappy, i mean CRAPPY with an extreme capital C. it even includes a DOM (dirty old man) touching my ass. and i wasn't even wearing anything sexy for God's sake. unless he's like one of "those people" who started the whole 'school uniforms are outrageously sexy' crap last year.
and yippee, my dim sum was sour. all of them.
except the bamboo shoot roll but after tasting the sourness of the siew mai, i completely lost my appetite. the aftertaste was HORRIBLE!
so we returned all of them and we got our money back. HA!
came home and stuffed myself with Harrods strawberry chocolates which was absolutely delishhh. finished off the whole box BUT not before leaving aside two for my mum :)
after that, my mum and i whisked off to our yearly tradition of visiting all 5 of our charity homes to make donations!
we usually do it a week before new year but we're like 4 months late this year. still, it's tradition! and i absolutely love it. look forward to it every year.
first stop: Boys' Home. then Salvation Army, Cheshire Home, Blind Centre and finally Home for the Aged.
while at the Boys' Home,
1. Realising that i have done NOTHING remotely reproductive for the past week and knowing that i will, AGAIN, not be doing any studying the coming week and
2. Deciding that we should give a little extra help,
my mum and i decided to get a donation can from the very nice lady working at the Boys' Home to collect our own donations and return it by this Friday.
so for this entire week, i shall be going around kuching collecting donations from you, you and you!
so watch out for me okay? i shall be holding a bright yellow donation can and a bunch of Salvation Army stickers :)
and PLEASE donate or i shall punch the living daylights out of you.
it may seem very insignificant to you but to the less fortunate, it would mean the world to them to know that there are people who still care about them and that they are not forgotten.
although the yellowness of the can is quite disturbingly....yellow.
and the paint chips off! we left it on the car seat and there were specks of yellow all over the seats.
i suggested that we should repaint the can for them in a much nicer and (approachable...?) colour like pink or light red but my mum suggested that we should give them back 5 cans in 5 different colours. then we went on and on like giving them 7 cans so we can paint them all in rainbow colours.
but then we realised it's too ambitious. it's not easy getting the public to donate for 'a greater good', as they say. most of the time they'll just pretend they don't see us. digging up spare change from your pockets and dropping it into the can can't be THAT hard, can it?
so anyways we'll see how it goes.
hopefully we'll complete our mission to collect at least one full can or more!
fingers crossed, tomorrow and the next few days, here i comeeeeeee!
ps. many apologies for grainy pics. don't have actual cam on hand 24/7 so please make do with 2.0 mp phone cam.
8:18 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Everything in this world is edible; i'm edible, you're edible. but that, my dear children, is cannabalism, and is frowned upon by society.
Bon Appetite: Just had a hugeee Japanese dinner at Rakutei. scrumptious!
I know i should be updating more but i'm just so lazy right now.
Being home is absolutely THE BEST feeling ever.
it's like no matter how crappy your life is, just being home makes everything that much better. not that my life is crappy.
i have absolutely nothing to complain about :)
i'm already dreading going back subang. it suddenly seems like a very distant memory. i think i may have developed amnesia from too much sleep and too much good food.
it's weird, somehow, that this break is by far one of my favourite. maybe the more you're away from home, the more you appreciate it.
and not forgetting all of kuching's little wonders. and the tastiest and yummiest food that are just unbeatable!
i just realised that west malaysia has no char kueh.
and hurrah, i've finally gotten around to reading a storybook. haven't read a single book this year.
bought myself James Patterson's Sundays at Tiffany's from mph last night. finished it by this morning.
have always wanted to read it since it came out last year but didn't have time to.
what. i'm nerdy that way.
it's quite a nice book, although unrealistic. but coming from one of my absolute favouritest author, i don't have anything bad to say about it.
enjoyed it, but his Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas was much better. a real tearjerker.
overall, i still prefer his murder and mystery novels. my favourite genre.
opps i'm babbling on and on about books. *sheepish grin*
digressing, WHAT is it with people and the question 'are you single?'
is that like a new criteria for someone to talk to you?
like not being single is like having an infectious disease or something?
but my answer always goes something along the lines of 'single but not emotionally available.'
it's something like whenever my parents and i go travelling and people always mistaken us for some upper class singaporeans.
which i'm really quite confused by because i have no idea how 'standard' upper class singaporeans should look like.
but people always come up to us and ask 'where are you from?'
and my mummy's standard answer: 'I'm from my mother.'
classic. ;)
that's why i love her.
ps: today's my mummy's birthday!!! hence the big sushi feast.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
11:00 PM
Monday, April 6, 2009
For the bestie :)
Bon Appetit: Holidays are always a good time to get fat bigger than normal days.
5th April 1990.
The baby with the biggest heart in the ENTIRE universe was born.
5th April 2009.
The baby has now turned 19 years old and is a PHYSIOTHERAPIST in the making.
AND that baby is none other than.....
*drum roll tadadadak*
(that's my drum sound, so whatever bang bang boom boom your drum sound is)
YOU'RE 19!
haha, old lady :P
sorry i can't throw you a grande 19th birthday party since you're all the way in aussie while i'm stuck like a pig here.
BUT i MUST still sing you your birthday song!
"Happy Birthday To Joanny My Moanny,
Happy Birthday To Joanny My Pony,
Happy Birthday To Joanny My Moanny Pony,
Happy Birthday To Yooooh!!!"
I even got you a CAKE!
No, you've never seen this cake before. And NO, it doesn't look familiar.
Don't be silly now.
Anyway, i just want you to know that:
You're still a super bestie;
You've still got the biggest heart ever;
You still deserve the best things in life;
You're still my confidante;
You're still family;
You're still MY JOANNY!
and no lousy ocean can separate our uber cool telepatic powers!
don't worry, you'll make an awesome physiotherapist :)
and yes, we MUST work in the same hospital! (remember 5C's hospital!)
I'm still so proud of the fact that we've NEVER EVER quarrelled before!
Let's always keep it that way :)
Hope you like it. i did it myself :)
ps: Sorry this post is over an hour late! i took the entire night editing the pics. AND trying to choose nice pics of you cos you're always saying i use the yucky ones.
which i SO do not!
so i grabbed the pics off YOUR fb so you CANNOT complain okay??
anyways, hope you've enjoyed your birthday :)
AND that yellow ipod too ;)
Monkey :)
12:04 AM