Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I've got a cut
HAIR, that is.
Yups, I did. Two days before I got back to subang. In which I learnt: NEVER cut your hair a few days before going back to school. So that if you hate it, it still has a week to grow.
WHAT? Seriously. I so should have gotten my hair cut the minute I went back to kch. So it would have had about 2 weeks to grow. =_=”
But I just HAD to get it cut 2 days before coming back to subang. And it’s not like I asked the lady to shave my hair off ok.
Replay of the scene:
Lady who cuts my hair (lets call her lady) : How do you want to cut your hair? Like last time?
Me: NO! (cos for those of you who remembered my last hairstyle esp when I JUST got it cut, it was the let’s-leave-the-front-longer-and-use-a-shaver/razor-to-shave-off-ALL-your-back-hair style. NIGHTMARE.)
*was quietly thanking God my hair grew long already*
Me: Just layer and cut the fringe a little bit shorter.
Don’t cut short. *smile*
Lady: Ok. *smile*
Lady took out comb, started combing my hair flat. Took out scissors and began snipping. My eyes were closed the entire time. Halfway through, she stopped and went off to do something with some old lady’s hair.
Man, I tell you, that old lady’s hair like damn cool. It’s like all super small n tight curls and the lady who was cutting my hair was trimming it. Looked down at the floor and saw old lady’s curls which looks exactly like uncooked Maggi.
Looked at mirror and was thinking “Whoa. First time I get a hair cut and NOT want to swallow pills after!” Was all jolly inside. Even my fringe look
ED cool.
AND THEN lady came back, picked up scissors and continued cutting my hair. Was thinking “Finishing touches, ey?” So let her cut. Then suddenly felt my hair touching my cheek. NOT A GOOD SIGN.
Didn’t dare open my eyes. Was praying really really hard it would look ok.
Lady: Ok. *smiles*
She picked up mirror, stood behind me.
Took one look at myself.
Me: *most unimaginable monkiest face* *NO smile*
Lady: Ok. *smiles*
Me: *died*
Heck. The second I saw myself, I felt like balls just sprouted between my legs and I had a HUGE urge to scratch it.
My mum was hiding behind a magazine and popped her head out to say “I’m not involved.”
Officially declared to my mum:
“Mummy, from now on, tell people you have an eldest son.”
7:45 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
subang...I'M BACK!
tonight's my last night here :( am going back to subang tomorrow.
man, it seems like i've barely done anything yet and 2 weeks have flown by just like that. and it's time to go back to mdm chong and her kiam-ness. wohoo.
at least mel will be coming down this weekend. she'll be bunking in at nick's place. we'll meet up for dinner on saturday night and then shopping on sunday. garh. i will be having a bio test that week which i haven't started studying for.
and it's only when we go off that we start missing home. never really appreciated home THAT much before until i started living away from it.
it's all those small and simple things that i start missing so much. like just having my parents and sister n bro around. or the sound of my parents talking in the kitchen. or the sound of my sister screaming at my bro. or the messiness of the study room. or the squeakiness of the gate. i miss everything about home.
anyways, just to let you all know, since i'll be going back to subang tomorrow, i won't be able to update my blog often anymore. maybe on weekends then i'll get the chance to. patient! :)
quoting arnold schwarzerwadshisname:

8:15 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
You make me laugh when i can't smile.
You listen when i can't find the words to express how i feel.
You tell me the bare truth even when it hurts.
You are always there to offer your shoulder when i need a good cry.
You make me feel better just by being there.
You keep me rooted to the ground.
You are everything and so much more to me.
You are my family, my friend, my partner in crime.
You are my one and only baby sister.
A sister who is real, a sister who will never pretend, a sister whom i treasure so deep in my heart.
Although i don't always say it, although i don't always show, i hope you know that i love you so so much and i could never ask for anything else in the world when i already have you.
Against the world, we make one T.I.G.G.E.R-iffic pair! :)
7:36 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
me & my virginity
"Hrrmm", you tell yourself. "This should be interesting enough..." ;)first off, let me just spoil it for you. *grins*
NO, I DID NOT LOSE MY VIRGINITY.oooh what a spoiler! but seriously, if i DID lose my virginity, do you think i would write a post about it? obviously not! i mean, come on! why write it in ONE post when i can actually set up a WHOLE NEW BLOG to commemorate the occasion, right??BUTTT i did tell a few people i'd lost it :D just to see how they would react and all..
based on the reactions i got, i can safely say that my close friends will never believe me when i tell them i lost it. even if (I SAID IF) i really did lose it and confess to them, i doubt they will believe me
. aww, they have so much faith in me. :)joanny, being my bestest best besty in the world, OBVIOUSLY would not fall for it. she knows me so darn well. :D hey maybe if i have sex next time ( I SAID NEXT TIME), she would be able to feel it too..haha! that tingly feeling. lol! mr JOEL LIEW was darn sarcastic about it. when i first told him, he was like 'are you serious??' then he went 'Oh my GOAT." =_=" hey, i believed that he actually kinda believed me ok. i think you did, jo!
omg, nick's reaction was the funniest of the lot.
part of our convo:
...jªÑ©€...™ ツ (#) catch me if you can says:
hey nickLacrimo ~Xi-Mestitium~ says:
ya?...jªÑ©€...™ ツ (#) catch me if you can says:
what would u do if i told u i lost smt
Lacrimo ~Xi-Mestitium~ says:
smt?...jªÑ©€...™ ツ (#) catch me if you can says:
yeaLacrimo ~Xi-Mestitium~ says:
depends on the smt......jªÑ©€...™ ツ (#) catch me if you can says:
something very importantLacrimo ~Xi-Mestitium~ says:
to you?...jªÑ©€...™ ツ (#) catch me if you can says:
yeapLacrimo ~Xi-Mestitium~ says:
well, err, i've no idea til i actually know the impact of its lost rite?Lacrimo ~Xi-Mestitium~ says:
but.......jªÑ©€...™ ツ (#) catch me if you can says:
its my virginityLacrimo ~Xi-Mestitium~ says:
Lacrimo ~Xi-Mestitium~ says:
WAA!!??lols! it was around midnight summore and he was up doing assignment for his english. poor fella. but it was damn funny. was laughing all by myself here. (i will not use ROFL or LMAO or MOO or CHIRP or whatever new terms they come up with. i'm still a loyal fan of good ol LOL. and i will be for the next few years ;)
tried it on my mum too. but she was very open-minded about it. and we ended up laughing like crazy the entire night. gawd, she started cracking jokes about LOTS of things sex-related that i will not say here for it might offend and i was like 'are u sure you're a mum?' haha, but it was good fun.
that's why i love my mum. i can tell her everything and anything in the world and i know that she'll always have my back :) cheers to you, mummy, for being the bestest best mum in the world!
heck, there's this annoying sound coming from the back which i think is a bunch of insects mating. at 12.30 am?? as much fun as whatever those things are making those very awkward sounds, they could at least keep it down!
anyway, back to my mum told my dad the next day. i was going to try it on him too, but my dad's more of the conservative one WHICH IS THE TOTAL OPPOSITE OF MY MUM. that didn't stop her from telling my dad anyway.
poor dad, he didn't see it coming. twas a beautiful wednesday morning for him with the sky so blue and the lovely smell of freshly cut grass when my mum suddenly hit him with 'JANICE LOST HER VIRGINITY.' man, even though i wasn't there to see it, i can imagine the LOOK on his face! my mum said he immediately went rigid and his face turned charcoal black. and he was driving summore!
but then my mum told him it was a joke and all and he was like 'you better tell her not to play play.' awww..that's my daddy. always so protective of the girls in the family :)
so having said that, i guess it's up to one to decide. some people might be saving it until marriage, others waiting for the right person...whatever it may be, to each his own :)
personally, i'm not really the 'i will not have sex until marriage' kinda person. neither am i the 'let me in anybody's pants now!' kinda person. i'm not very particular about this issue la. if i do somehow find out that my future boyfriend isn't a virgin, i seriously doubt it will stop me from loving him.
here i'm talking about moderation. i obviously do not want a boyfriend who's number of girls he slept with is equal to the population of china.
but as i've said before, to each his own. i'm still 17, so i'm not legal yet :D BUT doesn't mean that i'm gonna jump any guy i see the second i turn 18. i'm just letting things go as it is and if the right guy comes along, why not? (which will NOT be anytime soon, trust me)
ooh, the things have stopped mating. and its already 1am.
my cue to go to bed! by MYSELF ;)
yes, i'm still a virgin.
11:38 PM
Pic of the day!
Be optimistic even when you're in hot soup.
12:44 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
welcome-eth to my blog-eth!
heya to all you people out there sitting in front of your computer and reading this! WELCOOOOME to my blog!!!

actually, was thinking of starting a blog since end of last year. this blog was actually created since december 2007. haha! but i couldn't find a nice background that i liked and all and also couldn't get the blog to look just the way i wanted it to. so sadly, it was abandoned.
then 2008 started and WHOOSH!!! i was swept away in one heck of a roller coaster ride so i didn't have time to tweak and twang my blog. plus i do not have internet access at the house i'm staying at. so i couldn't work on my blog.
but now i'm back in kch for my first sem hols which is 2 weeks. and this is already my second week! :( soon i'll be back into the unwilling arms of MDM CHONG.
That's my landlady. I can write a WHOLE post about her. whoaks, how do i even begin??? maybe i will, maybe i won't. we'll see. but if somehow she suddenly gets computer savvy and stumbles upon my blog, i'll be evicted.
so anyways, i'll try to update as often as possible. but i can't guarantee that it will be updated daily or even weekly because, as i've said before, i don't have internet access at home. and that is only ONE of the things that i am very deprived of there. i can't watch tv either. yes, there's a tv set at mdm chong's house and its quite big too. but being mdm chong, she has this special bag which she puts the tv remote in and brings it everywhere she goes. kinda gives you a teeny idea about what kinda person she is, ey?
heck, only tv i watch is the tv at mamak stalls or kopitiams in subang. but it doesn't really bother me. i've survived 4 months, so what's another 15 months? but as mean and ngiaw chee/niao chi/ngeaw chie as she is, i can tell that she's pretty fond of me ;) lols..yea so it's quite hard to hate her ALTHOUGH I KNOW A *FEW* PEOPLE WHO HATES HER MORE THAN THEY HATE SEJARAH.
so yea, will keep you guys as updated as possible! :) so stay tuned, folks!
owh yea. blogger has this new feature thing which is really interesting. it lets you type in hindi. :D :D :D can choose from hindi, kannada, malayalam, tamil or telegu.
hmm... seems like the indians are starting to use blogger too, ey? capati. (that means cool in tamil.)
மி அர்ம்பித்ஸ் ஸ்மெல் லைக் வெட் பிஷ்!
There, decipher that, you smarty pants!
ps: dearest joanny, now that i have started my blog, YOU MUST start one too. no lazy lazy >:(
9:48 PM